Updated: Aug 16, 2020
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61 years of
We have the know-how you need.
Updated: Aug 16, 2020
2-speed fan hubs are GREAT for vocational applications. They operate at half speed all the time and kick-up to full speed when extra cooling is required. They also create less dust while operating at half speed when driving or idling on an unpaved surface.
Updated: Aug 16, 2020
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is a liquid mix of approximately one-third ammonia (Urea) and de-ionized water. It weighs more than water, and the tanks take up valuable frame space. It can be purchased nearly everywhere, so no need to over spec the volume on a new truck. The fluid is sensitive to heat, being that it contains a high percentage of water. Cold climates do not bother it, engines have a warm-up period where dosing is not required early in the operational cycle, allowing for thaw.
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